This is DGK x Rolling Loud’s first annual Picnic Table Contest, celebrating a staple of Los Angeles skateboarding since the beginning of street skateboarding. Stevie Williams had $10,000 in prize money; $5,000 for tricks and $5,000 for the winner who dropped the most heat. Everyone walked away with something and then hit the best festival in the city after.
Skaters from all over the world & LA came to drop some of the best tricks ever seen on the tables. Legends like Brandon Turner and Antwuan Dixon all the way to upstarts like Will Mazzari and Brian laid down multiple never been done tricks for a hyped crowd.

Will Mazzari Frontside Blunt

Dashawn Jordan blasts a 360 flip over the table

Brian Reid slippin through a Noseblunt

Stevie Williams throws up 10k for the tricks

Stevie Williams hyped up

Stevie Williams announces the collab on Rolling Loud TV

LA Star Tre Williams back 180 nosegrind

Dane Vaughn kickflip crook the top rope

Canadian upstart Zacc Lester has pop to spare. Front 180 Nosegrind

Gage Boyle, Ryan Carrell, Sewa Kroetkov congregate

Jonny Hernandez & Jordan Mourning double up on the table

LA legend Antwuan Dixon put down some hammers. Backside Flip

Boo Johnson handing out racks for tricks

Street Olympian Dashawn Jordan backside flip for the crowd

Young Ish Cepeda snapped a front heel over peoples heads

Sewa came from across the globe to stomp some tricks. Nosemanny Nollie Flip

Boston's finest Brian Reid powers through a backside nosegrind 180

Gage Boyle with a street staple, 360 flip

Jonny Hernandez came through and brought some heat. Backside Flip

The mayor of SD skateboarding, Brandon Turner grabs some cash

Dashawn Jordan pockets some cash after a few tricks

Crowd favorite Christian Henry got this quick, Backside 180 Nosegrind

Shay Sandiford backs up Christian with a backside 180 nosegrind back to straight

Slew put down some never been done tricks with the quickness, Nollie Flip Backside Tail

Big Twuan kickflip to get warm

Boo Johnson drops a C-note to Brian Reid

A legend with two upcoming legends. Will Mazzari, Brandon Turner, Collin Slew

Boo Johnson blessing Will Mazzari

Will Mazzari showed up and let people see his textbook tricks

The big homies, Cooley & Antwuan

Dashawn and another one, noseblunt for the gold

Collin Slew went back to back on this, Switch frontside crook after the Regular

Droppin' bombs with a smile, Brandon Turner 360 kickflip

Jonny Hernandez pulled up with some never been done tricks, Backsmith to get warm

Jonny walked away with some loot

In the end, Jordan Mourning and Jonny split the cash